Color-Meets-Flavor Outreach

Excursion to Forschungszentrum Jülich, Siegen

26th June 2023

Physics students of the University of Siegen visited the Jülich Super Computing Centre (JSC) on 26th June 2023 as part of the new lecture "Introduction to lattice gauge field theories" offered by Dr. Oliver Witzel. The excursion comprised tours of current super and quantum computers, the clean room of the Helmholtz Nano Facility, and the Cooler Synchroton (COSY).

More information can be found in the article published by the University of Siegen.

Time travel through the last 50 years of experimental charm physics, Dortmund


To celebrate 50 years of experimental physics with the charm quark, the Dortmund group is organizing a series of events that will culminate at the end of November with the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the J/ψ meson (consisting of two charm quarks). On social media, the last 50 years of research on the charm quark will be reviewed week by week, starting with 1974 and ending with the 50th anniversary of the publication of the J/ψ discovery papers.

Up-to-date information on upcoming events, as well as the opportunity to join in the celebrations, can be found on the group's Instagram and X(formerly Twitter) channel, @dortmund_lhcb.


Physik im Apollo, Siegen

April 12, 2024

The project that combines research in physics and performing arts like music and acrobatics in the Apollo theatre in Siegen goes into second round. In this installment, Dr. Heike Riel (Head of Quantum Computing Europe at IBM) will give a talk on quantum computing.



Physik im Apollo. Siegen Thumbnail Photo credits: Tim Booth

Netzwerk Teilchenwelt Masterclasses. Bonn, Dortmund, Siegen

Every year

In the master classes, students experience how the physics of the smallest particles is explored. The focus is on analyzing data from the large-scale experiments. In this way, the young people can carry out their own hands-on activities, gain specialist insights and learn about the importance of basic research.

Link Netzwerk Teilchenwelt
Universität Bonn Masterclass Website
TU Dortmund Masterclass Website
Universität Siegen Masterclass Website

Color-Meets-Flavor meets Arts Siegen

July 18, 2023

Our pilot project for bringing together fundamental research in physics with performing arts like music and acrobatics was visited by 500 people in the Apollo theatre in Siegen.



Rent a Prof

The "Rent a Prof" programme offers lectures to schools, where topics of current physics research are presented. With that we provide a glimpse into science as well as in the academic and research environment at universities. In particular in primary schools and in the early years of secondary school interest for these activities turns out to be balanced among different genders. We started these events in Siegen and plan to extend them to Bonn, Jülich and Dortmund.

Rent a Prof Siegen Homepage

Prof. Alex Lenz at primary school class 4a

Bonn Physics Show

With our events, we aim to inspire everyone, from children to adults, with physics. Our shows feature educational and fun physics experiments, understandable for ages 12 to 99. Younger guests also enjoy them. Prof. Herbert Dreiner and Michael Kortmann from the University of Bonn lead the physics show, with dedicated physics students assisting in their free time.

The show was awarded the 2009 European Physical Society High Energy Physics Outreach Prize.

Bonn Physics Show Website

Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia, Dortmund

Every Saturday during the semester

Public lectures about a wide range of physics reasearch fields.

The lecture series "Between Bread Rolls and Borussia" offers weekly presentations on diverse physics topics for the general public, specifically targeting adults, children, and teenagers. Delivered by experts from the TU Dortmund environment, the lectures take place every Saturday at 10:30 AM in Lecture Hall II. A special show commemorating the 20th anniversary is planned for January 27, 2024, at the Dortmunder U. For those who can't attend in person, a live stream is provided. Additionally, there's an online quiz for students, with special certificates awarded to the participants.

Brötchen und Borussia Homepage
Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia Thumbnail Photo credits: Jürgen Huhn/TU Dortmund

Outreach group: Subatomic Heroes Siegen

Large range of activities and instagram channel

To attract already young pupils we started recently an Instagram channel, where we report about the life of our researchers, ranging from master students to senior professors.

Instagram Subatomic Heroes

Subatomic Heroes

New LHCb Exhibition Now Open at CERN

CERN has recently unveiled its latest LHCb exhibition, offering visitors an immersive experience into the world of particle physics. The display showcases parts of the actual LHCb experiment and features an engaging virtual tour enhanced by state-of-the-art audio-visuals. Guests can delve into the intricate designs and groundbreaking engineering behind the LHCb experiment through interactive touch screens and detailed graphics.

New LHCb Exhibition Thumbnail Photo credits: Guillaume Max Pietrzyk

Virtual Visit to LHCb Detector. Dortmund

Everyone, regardless of their knowledge in science, is invited to a virtual tour of the LHCb cavern and the surface assembly hall. Questions are welcome! Registration is required to receive event information.

Technical Recommendations:
For optimal viewing, create a Zoom account and install the app before using the link. Some browsers might not display the main video. If you prefer not to create an account, you can click the link and choose "Join from your browser." For technical issues, contact the provided email addresses.

More information

Treffpunkt Quantenmechanik. Dortmund

The Physics Faculty and the Institute for Philosophy offer the "Treffpunkt Quantenmechanik" (Meeting point quantum mechanics) internship to inspire students to engage with scientific topics. The internship focuses on modern physics and quantum mechanics, highlighting their importance. Participants can conduct experiments, familiarize themselves with current research, and reconstruct historical experiments. It also promotes exchange among educators and supports the creation of teaching materials. It can be used in regular physics classes coming to the university, for specialized projects, or during holiday internships. The schedule is flexible.


Winter Academy. Dortmund

The Winter Academy, hosted by the Physics Faculty of TU Dortmund, is aimed at students from grade 10 onwards. At the academy, participants can experience firsthand how physicists work and understand the structure of physics studies. Researchers from TU Dortmund share insights from their work in engaging presentations.


CERN Social Media

Here you find the latest news about the CERN experiments and our latest research results from our contributions with the LHC and CERN facilities.
