Courses Summer Semester 2023

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Theoretical Physics

Introduction to Quantum Computing

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lena Funcke lfuncke(at)

Lectures: Tuesdays 12:00 - 14:00

Tutorials: Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00 or Fridays 12:00 - 14:00 (registration required)

There will be no final exam for this course, instead the grade will be based on the answers to the weekly exercises.

Further information can be found on BASIS

Module Description (PDF) Zoom link

Experimental Physics

Physics of Hadrons

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Neubert neubert(at)

Lecture: Tuesday 14:00 – 16:00, Thursday 14:00 - 15:00

Module Description (PDF) Zoom link

Experimental Physics

Particle Detectors and Instrumentation - Experiment at ELSA

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmieden schmieden(at)

Dr. Thomas Jude jude(at)

Monday 14:00 – 16:00, (PI/Hörsaal 1)

Tuesday 16:00 - 17:00 (PI/Konferenzraum 2)

Module Description (PDF)

Experimental Physics

BCGS intensive week - Measurements with a pixel telescope

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Maria Gregor gregor(at)

11. - 15. September 2023

Course website

Technische Universität Dortmund

Experimental Physics

Statistical Methods of Data Analysis 2

Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht johannes.albrecht(at)

Dr. Hans Dembinski hans.dembinski(at)

One-week block course with lectures and exercises (in presence or via Zoom) in July 2023

Further information can be found in the corresponding Moodle room. Please write to one of the contact persons if you would like to participate.

Module Description (PDF)

Universität Siegen

Theoretical Physics

Introduction to Lattice Field Theory

Dr. Oliver Witzel oliver.witzel(at)

Lectures: Tuesday 14:15 – 15:45, ENC-D 120 (starting 04.04.2023)

Lecture/Tutorial: Monday 12–14 h (exact time to be finalized) (starting 17.04.2023)

WebEx link Module Description (PDF)

Experimental Physics

FPGA Programming with VHDL (block course)

Prof. Dr. Markus Cristinziani Markus.Cristinziani(at), Dr. Qader Dorosti, Dr. Michael Ziolkowski

Block course – Every day 28.08.–8.09.2023 starting at 9am (10am if necessary)

Presence-only event, Emmy-Noether-Campus, Siegen

In this course, students learn the whole chain, from the beginning to the end, on how to turn digital circuit concepts into VHDL (Hardware Description Language) designs that are developed and verified by simulation in the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite. As a final project, students work in pairs on a hands-on FPGA project, designing and implementing a practical digital circuit on a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board and experiencing how the design runs on real hardware. During the exercises, students are personally supervised by the lecturers and trainers.

Places are limited. If you are interested, register as soon as possible sending an email to Markus Cristinziani

Universität Siegen and TU Dortmund

Experimental Physics

Flavor physics in experiment and theory - particle physics II

Prof. Dr. Johannes Albrecht johannes.albrecht(at)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Lenz alexander.lenz(at)

Prof. Dr. Angelo Carbone - University of Bologna angelo.carbone(at)

Further information can be found in the corresponding Moodle room. Please write to one of the contact persons if you would like to participate.

Module description (PDF)